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اختبار كفاءة اللغة الانكليزية

اختبار يتضمن 40 سؤالًا موزعة على أربع مواضيع رئيسية.

عدد الأسئلة

إجمالي عدد الأسئلة: 40 سؤالًا


الأسئلة تغطي المواضيع التالية:

القواعد (Grammar): تتضمن أسئلة متعلقة بقواعد اللغة الإنجليزية.

الوظائف اللغوية (Language Functions): تركز على استخدام اللغة في سياقات مختلفة.

المحادثة (Conversation): تشمل أسئلة عن التواصل الشفهي وفهم الحوارات.

المقارنة (Comparison): تتطلب مقارنة بين أفكار أو مفاهيم.

توزيع الصعوبة

30% من الأسئلة سهلة

30% من الأسئلة متوسطة

40% من الأسئلة صعبة

مدة الاختبار 60 دقيقة، ويهدف إلى قياس مستوى الكفاءة في اللغة الإنجليزي

1 / 40

How to compare equal characteristics using "as"?

2 / 40

"I'm very grateful for your support" is an example of which language function?

3 / 40

A: "See you later!" B: "____"

4 / 40

Regarding the two options, this is ____ complicated than that one.

5 / 40

How do you ask someone to repeat something?

6 / 40

How would you politely express that you need a moment to think?

7 / 40

Which question would help you get to know someone's family background?

8 / 40

Which question uses the correct order? "_____ to the party tomorrow?"

9 / 40

A: "What do you think about the movie?" B: "____"

10 / 40

Which sentence correctly compares intelligence between two people?

11 / 40

Pick the correctly formed sentence to compare two deadlines:

12 / 40

Choose the correct form of "older" vs. "elder":

13 / 40

"You should apologize" is an example of which language function?

14 / 40

How do you gently encourage someone who's shy to speak up?

15 / 40

Ian fixed up an old computer he found in the basement. He added more memory and a new operating system.

16 / 40

Kate wrote a letter to her favorite author, expressing how much she loved the latest novel. To her surprise, she received a signed reply.

17 / 40

How to show sympathy when someone is unwell?

18 / 40

What's a good conversation starter at a networking event?

19 / 40

Choose the sentence that uses "most" correctly for a group of items:

20 / 40

How to respond encouragingly if someone hesitates to join a social event?

21 / 40

Regarding the two animals, the elephant is ____ than the cat.

22 / 40

Between the two projects, the first one is ____ demanding.

23 / 40

Which polite expression is suitable for offering a suggestion?

24 / 40

Which sentence correctly compares two job offers in terms of salary?

25 / 40

10. Robert spent his winter vacation at a ski resort nestled in the mountains. Each morning, he took the ski lift to the highest slope, racing down the snow-covered trails. In the evenings, he relaxed by the fireplace, sipping hot chocolate and chatting with fellow travelers.

26 / 40

Which comparative sentence is correct?

27 / 40

Which statement compares two activities properly?

28 / 40

"I'm not sure about that" is an example of which language function?

29 / 40

Owen rescued a small bird with an injured wing from his garden. He took it to a wildlife center for treatment.

30 / 40

If I ____ known about the party, I would have come.

31 / 40

Regarding the two options, the first choice was ____ appealing.

32 / 40

Choose the correct form: "No sooner _____ we sat down than the show started."

33 / 40

Pick the right usage: "I'd rather you _____ here."

34 / 40

17. Camila traveled to a desert village to learn about traditional weaving. She stayed with local artisans, observing how they dyed threads using natural pigments. Fascinated, she practiced weaving her own small tapestry, weaving patterns that mirrored the desert sunset’s colors.

35 / 40

Comparing these two, the new chair is ____ comfortable than the old one.

36 / 40

The report ____ by the deadline if there was better coordination.

37 / 40

Which question politely asks for clarification about a project deadline?

38 / 40

Identify the correct placement of "still": "She _____ hasn't replied to my email."

39 / 40

Compare: Which is faster: a car or a bicycle?

40 / 40

Which question politely asks about someone's job satisfaction?

Your score is
